The National Institute on Drug Abuse will award grants for research intended to prevent alcohol use among HIV/AIDS patients, study the relationship between drinking and disease progression, and other related studies.
The Research on Alcohol and HIV/AIDS grants are intended to increase research to characterize the relative importance of reducing alcohol misuse in the prevention of acquisition and transmission of HIV in order to identify and apply appropriate alcohol and HIV interventions as public health measures; to more fully understand and prevent the progression of HIV disease in the presence of continued alcohol exposure; and to develop operational research frameworks for addressing the occurrence and persistence of infections in high-risk populations (e.g. minority women, young gay men, etc.), and translate findings these targeted populations, according to NIDA.
Nonprofits, schools, governments and others may apply. Application deadline is Jan. 7, 2013.
Awards will be made under the R01 and R21 process; see the full grant announcements for details.