The National Institute on Drug Abuse is making research awards intended to improve treatment compliance among addicted individuals with HIV.
The Technology-Based Adherence Interventions for Substance Abusing Populations with HIV program is intended to “stimulate and support research on the development, determination of feasibility, and pilot testing of interventions that utilize technological tools (e.g., mobile enabling technologies, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), enhanced Medication Event Monitoring System, computer software, portable digital devices, cell phone and/or Digital Assistant Device among others) to foster adherence to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) treatment regimens among substance abusing populations in naturally occurring timeframes and contexts.”
A total of $1.5 million is available; maximum grant amount is $250,000.
Nonprofits, schools, governments, for-profit entities, and others may apply. Application deadline is May 7, 2011.
Grants will be made under the R34 and R01 research-grant protocols.
See the full announcements (R34 and R01) for details.