Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!

The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids (“Partnership”) and all Partnership volunteers (“Volunteer”) commit to work together in order to help families whose loved ones are struggling with substance use and not for personal, political, third party, or financial gain. As a volunteer, I agree to the following:

Personal Responsibility

1. The Volunteer participates to the best of their ability, following the directions of the staff and abiding by Partnership policies and procedures. The Volunteer acknowledges receipt of the Partnership’s equal opportunities policies while signing this Agreement.

2. The Volunteer is not an employee of the Partnership and is not entitled to receive salary, benefits or other compensation. The Volunteer understands that he/she/they does not qualify for workers’ compensation benefits and is expected to carry personal medical insurance to cover medical expenses for any injuries he/she/they incurs while performing volunteer services.

3. The Volunteer will address any questions or concerns related to volunteer rules or responsibilities by speaking directly with the supervising Partnership staff member.

Respect and Safety

1. Volunteers of the Partnership are representatives of the Partnership, both online and in person. When participating in volunteer services, the Volunteer will uphold and model the Partnership’s values.

2. Volunteers of the Partnership are representatives of the Partnership, both online and in person. When participating in volunteer services, the Volunteer will treat all individuals with fairness and equality regardless of sex, race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status and ability/disability.

3. Volunteers of the Partnership are representatives of the Partnership, both online and in person. When participating in volunteer services, the Volunteer will avoid profane and abusive language. The Volunteer will not preach to anyone or pressure anyone to accept his/her/their cultural, political, religious, socio-economic, or substance use-related beliefs.

4. Volunteers of the Partnership are representatives of the Partnership, both online and in person. When participating in volunteer services, the Volunteer will respect all confidential information.

5. Volunteers that represent the Partnership in person must appear clean, neat, and appropriately attired at all times. No clothes or items advertising alcohol, drugs, sexuality, etc.

6. Volunteering with the Partnership carries an obligation to avoid situations that could produce a conflict of interest of the Partnership. Additionally, the Volunteer may not accept any personal gifts, special payments or unusual hospitality favors.

7. The Volunteer will not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or other substances during volunteer hours.


1. The parties agree that this is the entire agreement, and no agreement, oral or written, exists outside of this agreement.

2. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time for any reason upon immediate notice, oral or written, to the other party.

3. The Volunteer gives the Partnership permission to conduct a routine background check.  Tickets, arrests, misdemeanors, felonies, or other legal issues DO NOT disqualify the Volunteer from participation.