
Do not engage in any conversation or behavior or post any material that:


The Partnership to End Addiction (d/b/a Center on Addiction) provides this online support community as a service to the families we serve. We are not responsible for comments made by support community participants or for information or content support community participants may post.

To the extent permitted by law, the Partnership to End Addiction makes no warranty, express or implied, as to these services, which are provided on an “as is” basis, and the Partnership to End Addiction expressly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose.


We respect your privacy. We will not sell or disclose to any party or entity outside our organization the personal information you share with us exclusively as a participant in this online support community, including without limitation, your name, email address, telephone number, zip code or the reason you have joined our conversation, unless one or more of the following applies: the disclosure is made to a successor organization, is required by law, or to prevent or investigate a potential or actual crime, or to enforce any agreements that govern your participation in this community or use of our website or other services, or to protect the rights, property or safety of the people we serve, our stakeholders, our staff and/or our organization.


We may periodically make changes or amendments to these rules, guidelines and privacy policies.