A new study finds U.S. college students involved in alcohol-related offenses and incidents often receive light penalties.
Receiving text messages about binge drinking after visiting the emergency room can help young adults reduce their hazardous alcohol consumption by more than 50 percent, a new study suggests.
A study of moderate drinkers ages 55 to 65 found those who drink large amounts less often have higher death rates, compared with those who drink small amounts more regularly. The researchers say most studies that examine the potential effects of moderate drinking generally focus on average levels of drinking, instead of overall drinking patterns.
A new study links teen indoor tanning with other risky health behaviors including use of illegal drugs, binge drinking and smoking.
Only one in six American adults say their doctor or other health professional has ever asked them about their alcohol use, according to a new survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
States with stronger alcohol control policies have lower rates of binge drinking than states with weaker policies, a new study concludes.
Baby boomers appear to be carrying their substance abuse habits with them as they age, according to a behavioral health expert at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. David W. Oslin, MD, says binge drinking and prescription drug use are particular concerns in this population.
College freshmen’s drinking habits are often formed during the first six weeks of school, according to an expert from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
A new study of high school seniors finds 20 percent say they have engaged in binge drinking in the last two weeks. Ten percent say they have had 10 or more drinks on one occasion, known as extreme binge drinking.
A new national survey of drug use released last week finds heroin use is on the rise, while methamphetamine use is decreasing, Time.com reports.
Higher cigarette taxes are associated with reduced drinking in men and young adult smokers, a new study suggests.
Excessive alcohol use costs the United States $223.5 billion annually, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Binge drinking accounts for more than 70 percent of these costs.
Young adults who grew up in poverty are more likely to smoke than their peers who grew up in more economically secure homes, but they are less likely to binge drink, a new study suggests.
College students who hear warnings about binge drinking from family or friends are more likely to be concerned about their own alcohol use, compared with their classmates who don’t hear such advice, a new study suggests.
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds an increase in the percentage of adults who had five or more drinks in one day at least once in the past year. The prevalence of adult smoking remained unchanged in most age groups, but declined among young adults.
Female college students are more likely than their male peers to drink more alcohol than is recommended by government guidelines, Harvard University researchers have found.
Colleges that are part of a national program to reduce binge drinking among students say the first two years have been productive. More schools will join the initiative in June.
Four years of heavy drinking between the ages of 18 and 25 could permanently increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study suggests.
A new study calculates binge drinking cost Wisconsin $6.8 billion last year. Easy availability of alcohol, combined with low alcohol taxes, has contributed to high rates of alcohol use in the state, NPR reports.
The ability to legally buy alcohol before age 21 is associated with an increased risk of binge drinking later in life, a new study suggests. The study included more than 39,000 people who started drinking in the 1970s, when some states allowed people as young as 18 to purchase alcohol.
A new study in rats explains the link between binge drinking and the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The soon-to-be-released update of psychiatry’s diagnostic manual, DSM-5, combines problem drinking and alcoholism into a single condition known as “alcohol use disorder.” A new study suggests these changes may not improve the diagnosis of alcoholism, Time.com reports.
This fall, seven of the eight Ivy League universities introduced new alcohol policies in an effort to combat high-risk drinking, the Yale Daily News reports.
One in five high school girls binge drink, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report finds almost 14 million women in the United States binge drink about three times a month.